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Plugins available in Prime [Enable/Disable from Layout]

Plugins are super useful to enable different services in your theme. Blogger do not provide direct support to plugins, but we built something for you.
Plugins available in Prime [Enable/Disable from Layout]
Multiple Plugins available in Prime
Plugins or widgets or addons are features that enable easy customization and modification of the theme. Blogger do not provide support for them, but we integrated code to provide some features to you. Go to Layout > Addons and explore them. They can be easily enabled or disabled with a click.

List of Plugins in Prime Blogger Theme

Automatic Table of Contents

TOC provides ease to navigate through your content. It is nerve racking if you have many articles and you haven't given proper ids to headings. This tool prevents you from such situation. Activate it to display automatic TOC.

Anti Adblocker

Adblockers can hamper your earnings and sometimes block some features of your website. With anti adblocker plugin, you can force users to disable their adblock software to read the content. I promise you this design is beautiful. Image by catalyststuff on Freepik

Cookies Consent

It is important to aware users that your website uses cookies for better user experience. This plugin delivers that feature. The design is simple, and won't bother user experience.

Sticky Header Plugin

By default, header in Prime is not sticky. Enable it to activate sticky header that remains on top along with user scroll.

Syntax Highlighter with Prism

Prism comes with two different syntax highlighter -- default and Prism. Enable it to activate Prism Syntax highlighter.

Reading Progress Bar

Add a horizontal progress bar that moves forward/backward on user scroll. It loops through post body content, and indicates length of article.

Insert Email Subscription Link Plugin

Add action link of your email service provider, and all subscribe us through email boxes start functioning based on the link.

and many more coming...

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Comment Shortcodes

  • To insert an image, add [img]image_link[/img]
  • To insert a block of code, add [pre]parsed_code[/pre]
  • To insert a link, add [link=your_link]link_text[/link]
  • To insert a quote, add [quote]quote_text[/quote]
  • To insert a code, add [code]parsed_code[/code]
  1. This is a lorem ipsum commenting system. Testing multi author commenting system. Reply back Author.
    1. Here's author reply. Seems Author icon is working fine. Lets see how an image looks like:

    2. Another Test comment :)
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