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Plugins available in Prime [Enable/Disable from Layout]

Plugins or widgets or addons are features that enable easy customization and modification of the theme. Blogger do not provide support for them, but we integrated code to provide some features to you…

How to lazy load any script in Prime theme?

Prime uses  @shinsenter/defer.js to lazy load all images, iframes and videos. Now, with new update you can easily load scripts on user activity or after certain time. 👏

How commenting system and shortcodes work on Prime Theme

Prime comes with a beautiful and clean threaded commenting system. You can try it below. Do not forget to test different shortcodes available. Below I have listed couple of shortcodes available at th…

All Styles, Writing Formats and In-Built Post Features

Prime Blogger Theme comes with some default styling, buttons, widgets, image galleries, and product cards. Below I have listed some of them. You can use them directly in your post.( Image by catal…

Post with Sponsored Label Enabled

Prime hides some post features when a label 'Sponsored' is activated. It is beneficial to identify readers that the content you are sharing is written by sponsors. Some Random Content to ex…

Fix Trending Widget not displaying content

You can find Trending widget from Layout section. Sometimes, it does not display posts and gives a blank container. To fix this, make sure to include the label with published articles more than or eq…

Understanding Anti Ad Blocker Feature available in Prime Theme

Prime comes with a powerful adblocker that detects almost all types of adblockers even Brave browser. Since adblockers are updating frequently, I cannot guarantee that it will work in future. However…

How to integrate mailing system in Prime blogger theme?

Prime Blogger theme makes it easy to integrate email subscription system in your website. Whether it is mailchimp, followit or any others, you can update your form link with a single click. No need t…

Sharing some of In-Built Pages from Prime Theme

When you purchase Prime Blogger theme, you will also get many custom built pages. All pages are uniquely designed and crafted to match our theme. Explore them. Custom Designed Pages Provideed with …

Start with a professional Blogger theme [Prime]

Every operating system out there is about equal… We all suck. (Microsoft senior vice president Brian Valentine describing the state of the art in OS security, 2003) Walking on water and developing so…

How to activate Multi Author Post Content in Blogger?

Vestibulum auctor tristique odio, vitae posuere ex commodo vel. Fusce efficitur, ligula non cursus tincidunt, metus felis ultricies justo, vel malesuada tellus libero id metus. Aliquam vel est nec ju…

Embracing Change: A Journey Towards Personal Growth

In a world that constantly evolves, embracing change is not just a choice but a necessity for personal growth. Life is a journey filled with twists and turns, and our ability to adapt to change can g…

Why science museums beat peanut butter on pancakes

How computer support specialists made me a better person. How technology tips made me a better person. Why you'll never succeed at amazing gadgets. How not knowing applications makes you a rookie…

What everyone is saying about Space exploration in future

Spaceflight will never tolerate carelessness, incapacity, and neglect. Somewhere, somehow, we screwed up. It could have been in design, build, or test.  Whatever it was, we should have caught it. We …

Why the next 10 years of thai restaurants will smash soon?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla hendrerit urna vel nisi fermentum, vitae congue velit dapibus. Curabitur vel bibendum ipsum. 😮😅  Vestibulum auctor tristique odio, vit…

Top 10 movies to watch right now at Netzone

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla hendrerit urna vel nisi fermentum, vitae congue velit dapibus. Curabitur vel bibendum ipsum. 😮😅 Vestibulum auctor tristique odio, vita…

How you can also generate a six figure income by typing?

How computer support specialists made me a better person. How technology tips made me a better person. Why you'll never succeed at amazing gadgets. How not knowing applications makes you a rookie…

What Does a Software Developer Do? Career Overview

The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it’s too late. Image by catalyststuff on Freepik. (Seymour Cray) In software, we rarely have meaningful req…

How to write a blog post with no images at all?

These are facts about car seat covers that will impress your friends. Car accessories by the numbers. The 17 best car part twitter feeds to follow. 16 facts about auto accessories that'll keep yo…

Generating a thumbnail for post from Youtube video

Do you know? 11 things about chef uniforms your kids don't want you to know. The 19 best chef uniform youtube videos. 16 things about fast food your kids don't want you to know.  How healthy …
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